If you’re wanting to learn more about how hemp cannabinoids like CBD work for fibromyalgia, you’re in the right place because today we’ll be covering all of this and how by correcting what is considered to be a chronic cannabinoid deficiency, many fibromyalgia patients find themselves being able to live a normal life once again.
Fibromyalgia is a debilitating and complex neurological pain disorder that causes a whole-body inflammatory response (specifically effecting the muscles and bones) that can lead to lifetime of suffering with no pharmaceutical cure in sight. Luckily, there are cannabinoids like CBD, CBG, CBN, and CBC (all with beneficial properties). The cause of this disturbing condition is unknown, which can often lead to Doctors incorrectly diagnosing (or worse, not diagnosing at all), and leave many unanswered questions about fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia Symptoms
Sufferers benefit from cannabinoids such as CBD because fibromyalgia is a chronic autoimmune condition that leads to widespread pain in the joints and muscles, which causes pain and stiffness throughout the entire body. Many sufferers have to take a deep breath of courage before lifting themselves from their beds every morning. There are several combinations of medications that can assist, but there is currently no cure for this condition. Common symptoms and side effects include fatigue, insomnia and trouble with memory and concentration, as well as pain, twitching, burning and tight muscles, tenderness to the touch, and a lowered pain threshold.
Many sufferers with chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia are prescribed opiates, but in our recent article Hemp & Addiction, we shared how opioids increase pain sensitivity in its users, making opioid medications a double edged sword for those with fibro (not to mention the long list of withdrawal symptoms and side effects from opioids). As always, when starting any lifestyle changes or treatment plan, consult with a licenced medical professional.
Fact: 75-90% of fibromyalgia sufferers are women.
Other factors that can increase the chance of developing fibromyalgia include:
- People with painful diseases like arthritis
- People with mood disorders
- People with genetic predispositions (family history)
Most people who develop fibromyalgia are diagnosed after the age of nineteen, with more than 3 million cases in the USA alone, per year. New Zealand also has an alarming amount of people suffering from fibromyalgia.
People also understandably report increased feelings of depression while they’re in pain. It’s extremely difficult to function and live a normal life under chronically debilitating pain. Even tasks such as doing the dishes or vacuuming seem like enormous mountains to climb when you’re struggling to lift your body out of bed.
One other key area of struggle that often goes overlooked is the lack of understanding and empathy from others due to not being able to see the symptoms of this disorder. This can often compound the emotional struggles that the sufferer is already grappling with. This is why pain relief from the symptoms of fibromyalgia with high quality CBD products that are THC free and provide anti-inflammatory effects can be of great advantage to those with this debilitating condition.
Could it be possible that fibromyalgia is a symptom in and of itself? Neurologist and researcher Dr Ethan Russo studied and suggested that a “clinical endocannabinoid deficiency” could be the cause behind fibromyalgia.
Hold on, what are endocannabinoids you might ask? Endo-cannabinoids are natural compounds made by the body, found in mothers’ breastmilk and integral to human health. These run alongside phyto-cannabinoids found inside the hemp plant They are used to fuel the endocannabinoid system; the system that brings balance (homeostasis) to all other areas of the body from the reproductive and immune system to the nervous system. You can learn more about the incredible endocannabinoid system here. If you’re asking the question, what if I don’t eat anything from the hemp plant (then you’re on the right track)...
The cannabinoid-rich hemp plant was banned in 1930 and since then, we’ve seen an alarming rise in auto-immune conditions like fibromyalgia. When we learn this fact, we need only put two and two together.
Note: subsequent research has provided sufficient evidence to support Dr Russo’s findings (link below):
Dr Russo found that the way cannabinoids work for fibromyalgia is through their ability to block certain spinal, peripheral and gastrointestinal functions that cause of these conditions.
The fix is simple: provide the body with enough cannabinoids to activate your dormant sleeping endocannabinoid system so it can balance and regulate internal physiological and neurological functioning.
- An underactive immune system leads to conditions such as cancer tumours (the immune system’s inability to detect and destroy cancerous cells).
- An overactive immune system (autoimmunity), leads to a hypervigilant immune system that attacks the organism it’s supposed to protect (you).
When cannabinoids are used in individuals suffering from fibromyalgia, people not only found relief in their symptoms but found that the number of flare-ups were reduced. As critical as physical relief is in this instance, users also found relief from the stress and a reduction in their depression. Many people previously suffering from this disorder felt capable of living their lives in a normal fashion again. Users were able to resume exercising (one of the most important ways to manage fibromyalgia) and further improve their mental and physical well-being.
The best CBD oils have many effects including; anti-cancer, antiemetic (nausea and vomiting), anti-proliferative, antiinflammatory, antibacterial, anti-diabetic, anti-diarrheal, anti-psoriatic, analgesic, immunosuppressive, bone stimulant, anti-ischemic, vasorelaxant, antispasmodic, neuroprotective, anti-epileptic, anxiolytic, antipsychotic, transforms white fat into brown fat, increases anandamide activation of CB1 and CB2 receptors.
This is why we see in the research that CBD oils assist with managing a range of autoimmune related conditions such as multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome, endometriosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and many more. When purchasing a CBD oil for fibromyalgia, make sure it has had independent lab tests on it. Pending the country you live in, will also depend on the legal status and availability, including CBD gummies or full spectrum CBD products.
The CBD Dosage
The CBD dosage for fibro can vary as chronic autoimmune disorders affect the body in such a variety of ways, but a baseline starting dose (micro to standard) of cannabidiol (CBD) is an appropriate place to start for reducing inflammation and addressing a hyper response from the immune system. As always, with cannabis, start low and slow and titrate your way up. Remember, you can always take more, but you can't take less. The Cannabis Health Index (CHI) rates cannabis' effectiveness for auto-immune conditions like fibromyalgia at probable-to-demonstrable range of efficacy (4 points), which is very good.
For immediate relief from symptoms, try sublingual drops, vaporizing, or oromucosal sprays with a high-quality CBD oil without any additives. The effect from dosing this way should be immediate, or within the hour, and can last between 1-3 hours, whereas when you consume an ingestible product like CBD gummies, it can take long for the effects to take hold (although faster on an empty stomach), and can last a little longer (6-8 hours). When utilising vaporizers that are CO2 concentrated, they can be highly effective when found in various ratios of CBD to THC. Herbal vaporizers that utilise the whole plant are also an effective method of delivery.
The suppression of the immune response in auto-immune conditions like fibromyalgia by THC is of value due to the nature of an immune system that has become accustomed to attacking its own host (the sufferer). Cannabinoids can suppress inflammation through activating the cannabinoid receptors (CB2) on immune cells. CBD is also known to work with the immune system by improving its ability to recognize the difference between normal internal body function and foreign entities, keeping the body from attacking itself.
What about CBD oil for anxiety? This is a common question among those investigating the potential powers of CBD. We explore the options and research in our article anxiety best CBD on the market.
If we haven’t answered your question of how hemp cannabinoids like CBD work for fibromyalgia thoroughly enough, we encourage you to follow through the associated links and studies this article provides as further evidence. If this article was helpful, please do let us know, as we love to create content that is both informative and of value. You can view our Blog for other articles just like this one.
Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency Reconsidered: Current Research Supports the Theory in Migraine, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel, and Other Treatment-Resistant Syndromes. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28861491
Anandamide suppresses pain initiation through a peripheral endocannabinoid mechanism. https://www.nature.com/articles/nn.2632
Histone modifications are associated with Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol-mediated alterations in antigen-specific T cell responses. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24841204/