Welcome to Kure

Welcome to Kure! Our journey began with a deep passion for hemp. As newcomers in the hemp industry, we were eager to explore the potential of this overlooked plant. We couldn't help but wonder how such a beneficial resource had remained unnoticed for so long...

Inspiring Stories

Along our path, we encountered inspiring stories of individuals whose lives had been transformed by the power of hemp.

Their experiences fueled our dedication to unlock the full potential of this remarkable plant.



Challenges were not unfamiliar to us. Initially, we faced online restrictions and prohibitive advertising costs due to hemp's unjust association with cannabis. Undeterred, we navigated through obstacles, even undergoing two rebrandings to arrive at our current identity: Kure.

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Better Sleep
Improved Mobility
More Calm
Vibrant Skin
Better Sleep
Improved Mobility
More Calm
Vibrant Skin
Better Sleep
Improved Mobility
More Calm
Vibrant Skin

Our Mission

Throughout it all, our mission remained unwavering: to provide hemp-based products that elevate your quality of life. With Kure, you can enjoy better sleep, improved mobility, and conquer mental and physical barriers.

Our offerings work harmoniously with your body's natural systems, providing holistic support without creating dependency or requiring a prescription. We are committed to unveiling the secret power of hemp—a natural remedy that has been hiding in plain sight.

As we continue to educate, innovate, and cultivate, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Welcome to Kure, the natural solution you've been seeking.

New Zealand Grown
Clean Ingredients
Eco-friendly &
Cruelty Free