We’re covering the benefits of hemp extract rich in cannabinoids and how it works for fertility and reproductive health and development.
In this article we’ll be breaking down everything from fertility and pregnancy to infancy, children and adolescent health and development. You’ll discover what the endocannabinoid system is, how to activate this system inside your body, and how hemp extract containing cannabinoids can assist with all of the above.
We’ll even throw in some of the latest research for you, too on how a hemp extract works for all of this. So let’s get started with reproductive health and development.
Hemp Extract for Reproductive Health
Hemp extract formulas such as cannabidiol (CBD) are starting to be recognized for all of the amazing health benefits and advantages they bring to reproductive health.
While there is still some stigma around it, it's a matter of highlighting how cannabinoids are helping change people's lives.
Many parents choose cannabinoids and other natural remedies over pills to treat serious conditions in their children since they don't come with a long list of side-effects. Of course, always consult with your doctor prior to making any changes to your lifestyle or treatment plan, or those in your care.
Parent’s also are often choosing CBD over THC to treat conditions such as epilepsy, ADHD and various symptoms of the autism spectrum in their children since CBD isn’t psychoactive.
Pregnant mothers have begun looking towards cannabinoids as a natural, healthy way to support ailments they experience throughout the gestational period.
Most of the information available on hemp extracts like CBD oil throughout the reproduction and development phases of life comes from personal testimonials, but it's gaining interest in the scientific and medical fields.
Without a doubt, more research will occur over the years to see the impacts of cannabinoids from hemp extract such as CBD, CBG, CBN, THCA and many of the other 400 categorized cannabinoids through utilizing whole plant hemp products on fertility, pregnancy, and childhood development.
Hemp Oil for Fertility
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimated that 10 percent of women ages 15 to 44 have trouble conceiving or carrying to term. With couples struggling to conceive, one-third is related to the female fertility issues, another third to male fertility issues, and the rest is a combination of a couple’s fertility issues.
The reproductive system includes cannabinoid receptors, so the endocannabinoid system (ECS) would work through those to correct any imbalances within the system. This is why using a hemp extract is so powerful. More on this later.
While more research is being done on the topic, a hemp extract utilizing a full spectrum of cannabinoids, terpenes and fatty acids are showing promise in helping with fertility issues.
In women, a whole plant hemp extract looks to not only improve the chances of getting pregnant, but can help through the gestational period and birth for the mother and child.
Results are being seen in improved ovulation and implantation and a reduction in miscarriages.
In men, the receptor GRP18 is found both in the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and in sperm cells. When this receptor is activated, the sperm loses its protective covering and is better able to penetrate the egg.
It’s important to note that the endocannabinoid system, first discovered in the mid-1990’s, is now thought to be the most important system of physiology in the body because it is a homeostatic regulator, meaning, it brings order and balance to every single system in the body.
If one system, such as the reproductive system is out of balance and disordered, the ECS will quickly step in to bring it back to full health. The trouble is, the last time most of us had our ECS active, was either when we were in the womb, or during breastfeeding.
The ECS was first seen to develop at 8-weeks gestation as an integral part of our physiologies, and cannabinoids can be found in mothers breast milk. The ECS is crucial to a healthily functioning reproductive system, and for any other system of physiology inside the body.
We can activate this dormant system in our bodies through supplying the body with enough cannabinoids. We do this through starting a small fire with some kindling; by topping the body up with a small dose of cannabinoids from a hemp extract, and soon enough by titrating the dose up, that fire will be burning red-hot with the ECS coming online and beginning to work on any underlying conditions that have resulted from systems in our body becoming overworked and overstressed, eventually leading to dis-ease and illness.
Benefits of Hemp Extract in Pregnancy
It’s no surprise that pregnant women would like to utilize the benefits of hemp extract CBD and other hemp products for their myriad health benefits, and because CBD does not affect mental processes, it’s an obvious choice from the range of cannabinoids researched thus far.
An article published in the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research supported the finding of a 2011 survey that established CBD as having a “favorable safety profile” for pregnancy. Unfortunately, research is severely lacking on CBD or whole plant hemp extract products.
Current data only examines tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which provides mixed results due to its psychoactive properties. As for the other 400 cannabinoids that are both found to be produced by the body, and by plants, there simply isn’t enough research available. But the research that is present, such as in the case of CBD, is very promising.
It’s important to note that THC would be the obvious cannabinoid to avoid in higher doses, with one Harvard Report stating marijuana use causes disadvantageous effects to the long-term development of healthy humans.
It would also be of value to recognize hemp as the most natural form of the cannabis plant. When you place marijuana in a field of hemp, the marijuana becomes a hemp plant. The only reason marijuana has high levels of THC, is because of man’s intervention. The cannabis plant naturally grows with low levels of THC, in balance with the other hundreds of cannabinoids present.
A study in the journal Reproduction, published by the Society for Reproduction and Fertility, found that cannabinoids from a quality hemp extract can help by reducing the pain of contractions of the uterus during labor and delivery. This may make delivery easier on the mother, reducing pain and stress.
The data on CBD or hemp extract products for pregnancy is nearly nonexistent. It is recommended to speak with your physician regarding using CBD while pregnant. In comparison to most medications, cannabinoids show less adverse side effects in adults when used in therapeutic doses.
There is need for further research, however, on the effects of cannabinoids and terpenes in utero on the mother and baby.
CBD Oil in Infancy
Many parents are opting for natural skincare products for their babies as compared to traditionally chemical-laden ones. CBD-infused formulas are growing in popularity due to its skin-nourishing and protecting abilities.
Cannabidiol is an antimicrobial, fighting bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. When used as a topical application, whole plant hemp balm is absorbed through the skin. It is also ultra-hydrating, protecting the delicate skin of a baby.
A mother named Ellen McCall used CBD oil in her infant, Penelope, to treat infantile spasms. This condition occurs in the first year of life and causes seizures. Her mother considered Penelope’s progress to be impressive, even if it seemed small to others.
Unfortunately, Penelope passed away before her second birthday due to a rare, aggressive form of cancer called medulloepithelioma. Nevertheless, her short life helped make a huge impact on legislation for CBD laws in Tennessee. Her parents’ support and drive to help their daughter aided in the passing of a 2015 bill that allows the use of CBD oil in certain circumstances.
The body naturally creates its own cannabinoids and endocannabinoids. Infants are exposed to these compounds through breast milk, and they assist with infant development.
A study published by the National Institutes of Health showed rodent pups improve when given cannabinoids from a hemp extract by controlling milk ingestion. This study sparked interest in studying the positive effects on treating infant failure to thrive with cannabinoids.
CBD Hemp Oil in Children
CBD products are being used in children with great success. Since CBD does not affect mental processes, the stigma is lessening as the benefits are being observed.
CBD is an anti-epileptic, reducing the severity and occurrences of seizures. We wrote about Charlotte Figi in an earlier article covering how hemp extract works for epilepsy, and although unfortunately Charlotte passed away in April 2020 at the age of 13, she experienced significant results with CBD, improving her quality of life greatly, during the time she was with us.
She was experiencing over 300 weekly episodes until her mother began using CBD oil, at which point her episodes dropped to less than one a week on average. It was truly a miracle, as doctors did not expect Charlotte to live much longer past six years old. Her case went on to inspire thousands of parents to try CBD oil with their children, where you can find many of their testimonials online with an internet search. Many parents have posted videos of extreme improvement and transformation in their children.
Other conditions that cannabinoid-rich hemp extract products can support include autism, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, and depression. CBD is both an anti-anxiolytic and antidepressant, actively working to alleviate both mood imbalances.
Serotonin also increases memory encoding, which can help children improve their learning abilities. Serotonin also helps with social behavior, helping children who struggle with socialization or recognizing social norms. By promoting relaxation and calmness, children with ADD/ADHD may find it easier to focus.
At the time of this writing, researchers in Israel are about to publish a study in the journal Neurology, which shows significant improvement in children with autism that did not respond to conventional treatments.
These children were given a CBD hemp extract and 80 percent of parents saw a decrease in problematic behaviors. Out of the 80 percent, 62 percent of parents saw significant improvement in their child’s behavior. Of the children observed, 50 percent experienced improved communication ability.
Hemp Extract for Adolescents
In these years, teenagers’ bodies are rapidly changing and their hormones are all over the place. Social and environmental pressures add to the stress, making this an even more challenging time. This can create an imbalance within the body with regard to mood, behaviors, and sleep, to name a few.
Cannabinoids from a hemp extract work through the endocannabinoid system to balance mood, leveling out behavior while reducing anxiety and depression. Whole plant full spectrum hemp extract works to reduce the effects of cortisol on the body, creating a sense of calm and well-being.
In regulating sleep patterns, the ECS and CBD can work together to promote rest hours of sleep for teens struggling with trouble sleeping. Many teens develop issues with their skin as a result of hormonal changes and stress, and CBD is an effective way to treat acne and improve skin’s condition overall.
Roxanne Benton, a Nevada mother, used whole plant full spectrum hemp oil to help her son, Bevan, who struggles with ADHD and Tourette’s syndrome. She noticed that he was finally able to get sleep and began to become himself again. Roxanne also noticed that Bevan’s tics and twitches reduced. She reported that his therapist was seeing improvement and noted that he seemed more “present.”
We hope this article has covered for you the benefits of hemp extract and how it can assist with fertility and reproductive health and development and we encourage you to read our blog for more of the latest research on all things hemp extract, cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system.
As always, prior to making any changes to your lifestyle or treatment plan, consult with your physician.