How to make a submission against the Therapeutic Products Bill

To voice your objection use this Parliamentary link. If you are unsure what to say you can use the pre-articulated objection below and copy and paste into your objection form.

1. When you arrive at the Parliamentary link click on the button that says I am ready to make my submission

2. Select whether you are submitting as an individual or an organisation and whether you wish to make an oral submission to the committee or not.

3. Enter your contact information

4. Copy and paste this into the Comments section.

I am completely opposed to this bill. 

This bill is as good as signing over complete control to an as yet unnamed regulator who will have the ability to restrict access to many supplements and therapeutic food products,  and limit the freedom of choice for all New Zealanders to care for their health in natural non-pharmaceutical ways.

This is another breach of our ever shrinking rights to choose our personal health care pathway. 

At present over 50% of New Zealanders use supplements and non-pharmaceutical health care products and services.

Many therapeutic products are food based.

Cinnamon, cloves, garlic, various teas, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, olive oil, flaxseed, oregano, honey, rosemary and hemp are just a few examples, but the list is extensive.

Because there are no specifics written into this Bill there is the potential for the appointed regulator to restrict the use or availability of many common food items which may affect the entire population of New Zealand. 

Common foods, herbs and spices have been used therapeutically by humans for thousands of years.

Humans have receptors on our cells that are designed to uptake the active compounds in plant based products.

Their extensive and widespread use has shown them to be safe and beneficial.

The current framework that regulates the production of these products is working well and is not in need of amendment.

These products should not be subjected to the same regulations as newly developed pharmaceutical drugs.

The ability to make healthy lifestyle choices and live a healthy life should not be based on financial wealth but it is becoming more and more so.

This Bill means that New Zealand citizens will need to be wealthy in order to be healthy. 

Increased regulation will add to the cost of many commonly used products and as prices increase, more families will be forced to choose mass produced foods of inferior nutritional quality, leading to poorer health outcomes.

This in turn will lead to an even greater demand on our already overburdened healthcare system and an increasing financial burden that our taxpayers will be forced to bear. 

New Zealand is a country built on small businesses, many of whom already struggle to compete with multinationals.

This Bill has the potential to significantly affect the financial viability of small businesses that grow high quality food products, manufacture already proven supplements and who retail these products.

By imposing additional and unnecessary compliance and testing costs most small businesses will be unable to compete with multinational pharmaceutical giants. 

As small businesses close employment opportunities and health care choices for thousands of New Zealanders will be affected.  

The lack of foresight into the potential harms that this Bill could generate for our citizens is staggering. 


5. Copy and paste this into the Recommendations section.


I recommend that the Bill be dropped. 

6. And Submit