Discover the most transformative Elimination Diet and Hemp supplement protocol allowing your body to let go of stubborn fat effortlessly, without starving yourself or going crazy in the process
This Reset is For You if:
- You can't lose the weight and keep it off, despite the effort you are putting in
- You are struggling to lose weight from stubborn areas such as your waist, legs hips and butt
- You exercise but it only makes you more hungry, and more tired
- You know and believe you can have more energy, vitality and the body of your dreams
- You’re seeking a solution to the ongoing and daily symptoms, without the need for long term use of medication or supplements
- You want to say yes more, and connect with those you love because you feel well physically and emotionally
Investment $300
My name is Tarryn Thompson
I am a Coach and Health Educator helping women who have tried everything to lose weight, get symptom free and the body they’re dreaming about.
Weight gain always has a start date
When did your weight start to become a problem for you? What was the event that happened around that time?
Was it a slow accumulation of stress and then something happened that was the straw that broke the camel’s back?
When I was 16 years old, my best friend and my first real love was diagnosed with cancer. We were inseparable. During this time I wasn’t slim, but weight started to become a problem for me then.
Over the 2 years that Cameron was sick, my health was so far away from my priorities. I ate terribly and with no boundaries.
This was my event, this was the straw that broke the camel’s back and my weight got as high as 86kg, and I’m 5’2.
So what was your event? What happened that was the trigger for you? Did you get pregnant? Was there a death in the family? Were you injured, in an accident or was there inllness? Did you go through a rough patch in your relationship? Did you struggle to start a family? Was it hormonal / menopause?
So now here you are.
The event or whatever happened that triggered the weight gain is over. And you’re over it.
Now your stuck with this body which is the baggage you carry around everyday after, and you just want it gone. Yesterday.
So you tried a few diets here and there, but something didn’t quite fit or feel right.
And the next thing you knew, you became somebody who got caught in the cycle of yoyo dieting. Along the way you’ve picked up more baggage, plus now your hormones are a mess, you feel terrible and you’re stuck.
The reason you struggle you’re struggling to lose the stubborn fat is because of stress.
The event, followed by the lifestyle you have lead up to this point caused your body a lot of stress. The 2 little glands that are responsible for managing stress, are around your waist. This is why you store fat there.
When you decide to eat less and exercise more, this adds more stress to the situation.
Think about how you feel when the hunger kicks in and you only ate 1.5 hours ago.
Consider how you respond when it’s only 8:00pm and your negotiating with yourself about which is the lesser of the 2 snacks you’re craving.
Instead, when you show your body there is nothing to stress about, there is no longer reason for it to hang on for dear life to your stubborn fat.
When you give your body what it needs, rather than cravings breaking your will power, thy will pass as a fleeting thought, as quickly as they came. No stress.
When you eat in a way that first primes your body for success - then eat less;
Your body doesn’t freak out in the process and the buttons of your jeans will do up much easier.
In my Get Kure’d Dream Body Reset, I’ll walk you through how to lose 5-10kg fast, even from your stubborn areas, while maintaining your lean muscle and without starving yourself or killing yourself in the gym.It’s NOT about whether whole foods are healthy, It's about whether those foods trigger hormones that store fat, or release fat

Get Kure’d Dream Body Reset is designed for the person who desires more, and requires more.
It will demonstrate how to allow the body to let go of excess fat, even from your stubborn areas, without spending forever in the kitchen on meal prep.
You’ll discover the foods that satisfy you and keep you satisfied for hours, and eliminate the ones that don't while feeling energised and clear headed.
You’ll learn how to re-introduce foods back into your diet without causing weight gain.
This is for you if you are ready to get the body you what you want and live life to the fullest